I just wanted to share my new project, "Slush Dungeon" (such a creative working title, I know).
It's an action platformer with rogue-like elements and squad-based dungeon crawling.
Some gameplay features:
- Randomly generated dungeons, with different enemy and loot amounts for each play-through.
- Control up to 3 fighters at a time, each with distinct combat styles.
- Synergy - Instead of leveling up and gaining stats, fighters become more "in-synch" with each other.
- Emphasis on resource management and exploration.
Right now I'm using Flash's native vector graphics for rending, but I'm looking into using the Starling engine instead.
Hopefully, I can get it to look something like this:
Anyways, you can try it out here: http://www.newgrounds.com/dump/item/57e8e32a05701f10e617e84a8e08b04b
Let me know if you think it's fun!
All feedback is welcome, though, I'm already aware of the bugs. Keep in mind that this is a very rough prototype, so animations will be missing, and the fighters are a bit OP for testing purposes.
Impressive! I like the speed differences between characters, so I can use the yellow knight to platform because mr. bandana sometimes controls like a bar of soap. My biggest issue is how hard it is to see what you're doing when there's three massive colourful enemies, an ally, and the items that pop up over your head; all I can do is spam the attack button. Also the friendly sticks so close to you that sometimes my eyes automatically follow the wrong person. Ideally it should work like that gif you have on this page demonstrates, but it often works out to being a big pile of fighting.
Other than that, nice camera, nice art/animation, control, hangtime, use of bright colours, simple hud (minus all the dev stuff of course)
What did you do to get right-click functionality, something like this? http://www.uza.lt/2007/08/19/solved-right-click-in-as3/
Hey, thanks for the feedback! I guess I should add an indicator to the guy you're controlling.
As3's right-click functionality was added with one of the updates to flash player in 2012 or something:
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.RIGHT_CLICK, myHandler);